Fighting Poverty through Education

Fighting poverty through Education

New Beginnings-Un Nuevo Comienzo is looking into playing a significant role in releasing a child from poverty by rescuing them and placing them in a place where they can be physically and emotional safe and they can have a chance in life. Although Education in Honduras is free from 1st -6th grade many children have to purchase their chair. After the 6th grade there is no chance for the underprivileged children, because they cannot afford the tuition to continue education.

Among working children and estimated 34 % completed primary school, a lack of schools prevents many children in Honduras from receiving an education. The average time it takes a child to finish first through sixth grade is 9.4 years. This is due, in part, to the necessity of the child to contribute to the family’s income. The number of dropouts increases every year.

Continuing to educate themselves is practically impossible since there are enrollment fees, school uniforms and transportation cost plus school supplies. A large percentage of these children will never finish high school, having no job prospects, many are lured into drugs and gangs.

New Beginnings-Un Nuevo Comienzo mission is to build as many schools as possible in the villages where they are needed and give these children their yearly school supplies and tuition.
We would also like to implement a program for all low-income parents to teach them and give them the tools they need to find living-wage jobs so they can support themselves and their families.
Please make a donation and help Honduras Children receive an education and escape the cycle of poverty.