
  • Clean Water Makes a Big Difference

    Diseases found in water affect children under five the most because their immune systems aren’t as strong as older people.

    Raised $0 Donors 0 Goal $1000
  • Fighting Poverty through Education

    After the 6th grade there is no chance for the underprivileged children, because they cannot afford the tuition to continue education.

    Raised $0 Donors 0 Goal $3500
  • Help get Children Vaccinated

    In Honduras New Beginnings together with Dr. Jose Adolfo Cardenas are working to help as many children as possible get vaccinated and basic health care.

    Raised $0 Donors 0 Goal $10000
  • Single Woman

    New Beginning has a vision to provide assistance for women in the villages surrounding Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

    Raised $560 Donors 2 Goal $2000