Our Story


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,which God prepared beforedhand,that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16

“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6:3-4

At the age of 5 years old, my mother decided that coming to the USA to find the place where “all dreams come true”

It was the best thing to do to raise us, leaving my two brothers and my sister with my grandparents in a very small village which remains with 8 houses till today.

My aunt had the same dream as well and came to the USA leaving all her children with my grandmother making a total of eight cousins plus the three of us. At a very early age we learned to possess some skills such as: cooking, cleaning, making tortillas. For that I am forever grateful.

Living in a mud house with only two rooms, we had to share hammocks and cots because our village was very small. We had no electricity, nor clean water to drink, we walked almost a mile away to collect clean water every day and that is the reason why some of my projects will be to make wells in small villages because I know how hard it is to walk far away from home to find clean water to drink. I know how hard it is to live without electricity and the reason being is because it is very terrifying to go look for wood in the wilderness where snakes and other animals may attack you.

At the age of 12 years old my residency came through to travel to the USA, a new beginning started for all of us, but my heart was always set in my country. As time went by I realize that this country is the place where you can reach your potential and become a greater and better person. The idea of New Beginnings-Un Nuevo Comienzo started when I was 15 years old. I was introduced to the of World Mission Ministries, at the time I did not have a job, but I had allowances. I started saving my monthly allowances and decided to sponsor a child, and since then my life had a greater meaning.

As time went by, I realized that helping the ones in need filled my heart with joy, therefore I continue to help different organizations and because of the love and compassion that God put in my heart. I decided to choose the nursing career (NRCMA) to work in a place where I can serve and show God’s love. Later in life when I became a mother I wanted my kids to see the world with eyes of love and compassion, and on one of my trips to Honduras, back in 2010 the journey began and a new dream was imprinted in my heart while showing my kids how some children live on the streets and literally have to dig from the trash to find their meal. That trip changed our lives completely and my kids learned how to appreciate everything they have and so many other things we take for granted… but that’s when New Beginnings started.

When we came back to Garland TX,  I decided to start small projects in the places we visited that day and make a difference. To do so I started celebrating my birthday and asking people that instead of bringing a gift for me, to donate backpacks, notebooks, pencils all the basics for a child to attend school. I also started making boxes with the basic needs such as deodorants, sanitary towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste, then giving the essentials to the kids brought me so much joy to my heart which made me want to continue with my projects even more.

I decided to continue with my projects and took on a part time job cleaning houses in addition to the nursing job (NRCMA) to earn extra money. That way I could take it a few steps further:

  • Where health care will be provided for each rescued family
  • Building shelters and schools necessary to teach the ones in need how to tackle on a new beginning
  • Showing them a different way of life
  • Teach the kids how to read and write, and show them that there is a better and brighter life than what they have now
  • Prepare them not to depend on anybody
  • Show them how to work.

For over three years, the main focus has been to reach small villages where the dump site resides, where families contend all day with heat, fumes, dust, flies and mosquitoes, and where those children do not have the opportunity to even shower once a week. Neither do they have the desire to go to school because finding the next meal is their job, but the time has come and I can no longer do it on my own. That is why I need your help as I have seen that it is possible to make a difference, and a greater impact can be done if we do it together. Helping one family at a time makes a huge difference and goes long way.

New Beginnings-Un Nuevo Comienzo is a Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the US. Our mission is to be Christ’s hands and feet in partnership with community leaders, staff, donors and volunteers, facilitating health services, education and other actions that transforms lives to help those families that are living without hope for new beginnings that only the faith and love in Christ provides.